“Liberals hate America, they hate “flag-wavers,” they hate abortion opponents, they hate all religions except Islam (post 9/11). Even Islamic terrorists don’t hate America like liberals do. They don’t have the energy. If they had that much energy, they’d have indoor plumbing by now.”
–Ann Coulter
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She has enough hate in her to fuel an entire terrorist movement. Kinda makes you wonder what form her (self-)destruction might take if/when she no longer receives the attention she doesn’t deserve.
I practically had to wipe the foam flecks off of *my* keyboard !
Someone has a crush.
“Oh, I am so drunk”?
I think Ann Coulter is great!!! She is a money making machine for the Democratic Party. I think the only people who want her to shut up more than Elizabeth Edwards are the Republican candidates for President. Every time she opens her mouth the floodgates open and cash flows into the Democratic coffers. She’s the person you want playing for the other team.
if she secretly supports John Edwards since he’s able to use her on a regular basis for campaign fundraising.
She’s going to be the best Dem fundraiser EVER! And she won’t even mind, as long as her book sales go up as much as Dem coffers.
Granted it is a holiday weekend, but you don’t have to wave Coulter in order to get people to post. FGS, the immigration bill went down in flames, the dems are in disarray…talk radio is claiming they captured the flag….things are looking up for the repubs in 08….
This is my take on what happened in the Senate yesterday. The Corporate Nation won big time. Why? Conservative talk radio beat up Bush to a bloody pulp, he is no longer a factor in 2008. The repubs can simply ignore him. That helps their chances because the big thing the dems had going for them was Bush’s low rating…that is no longer a factor. Corporate Nation wants the repubs to win in 2008 because they are good for business….low taxes, little regulation .
Corporate Nation holds the radio licenses and signs the paychecks of the conservative talk radio hosts which delivered the defeat to Bush/dems. CN wins.
Now, the borders will continue open. Cheap and secret labor is guaranteed for another coupla of years, at least. No hassle.
And as for ColoPols….Coulter? u guys are probably phoning it in from Aspen…..probably hoisting a few with those CN types…..GBA
Here’s the roll call to the Mike Pence amendment last night to ban the institution of the Fairness Doctrine. Mark Udall and his brother Tom(running against Pete Domenici in NM) both voted with Pence and against Pelosi and the Democratic House leadership.
Good move.
Udall was spared by the Senate from having to speak out on immigration, voted to fund the troops in Iraq, and has been moving to the center for some time. Any more of this and I might actually start to worry. Fortunately, this new centrism is a little too new for voters to take seriously.
Tom is Mark’s cousin
I read somewhere that Tom was his brother. Geeze, John, is this like the cowboy version of the Kennedys?
besides Mark, his cousin is Senator Gordon Smith OR, his dad was secretary of something in the Kennedy administration, his uncle Mo was also a Congressman also Marks dad.
Pretty impressive.
Mo’s brother, was secy of interior under Kennedy. Yes, they’re all over the place.
randy over at CORE is the smartest of the bunch
when someone would bring randy up.
Coulter? Who???
as Paris Hilton without the brains.
After this past week’s unfortunate SCOTUS rulings, there appears to be some good news coming out from the court in their certiorari decisions.
First, the court has reversed itself and decided to hear an appeal on Gitmo detainee rights. The court had previously recused itself based on the law banning court review, but said in its initial denial that it “might be convinced to reconsider”. Apparently it has now been convinced, as it has agreed to hear the case.
Second, in keeping with the “Bong Hits 4 Jesus” case, the court has denied cert on an appeal by a school district which suspended a student for wearing a Bush protest T-shirt. The T-shirt contained drug images, but was in fact a shirt protesting Bush. The court’s previous decision stated that schools could censor based on drug promotion, but not on other topics.
Although stare decisis is apparently not so much a factor when considering prior courts’ opinions, the new court does appear to be making some attempt to be consistent with rulings made by itself, or at least within the same session. It’s a small relief, but you take what you can get sometimes.
It seems that all the recent news about Congress having a lower approval rating than Bush are somewhat skewed…
Faux News just ran a poll that figured out what’s really going on: Congressional Republicans are dragging the place down (from MyDD).
While approval of Democratic Congresspersons isn’t stellar, it is Republicans that score below the President and have a much higher disapproval rating.
I just rated this blog and it’s not good news for you (or at least for Danny who blogs with his daughter in his lap):
Mingle2 –
For shame, Pols, for shame.
That’s the title of a documentary I’d recommend. One aspect of the film that the Rocky Mountain News’ Robert Denerstein doesn’t mention in his review (below) — which makes it a political documentary, in my mind — is its discussion of how much the Motion Picture Association of America spends on D.C. lobbyists: